A message from Madeline, our Volunteer Services Coordinator, for National Volunteer Week

To my sorely missed volunteers,

First, how are you doing? COVID-19 affects all of us, and I am thinking of you and your families. I wish, more than anything, I could be with all of you in person to celebrate National Volunteer Week. I would invite you all to a Zoom celebration, but I think there are so many of you, it would probably crash!

I’m excited to share that this past year, over 3,000 individuals have volunteered a whopping 28,137 hours at St. Francis House. You have spent thousands of hours doing more than just meeting our guests’ immediate needs, like serving hot meals and handing out emergency clothing. Some things that come to mind include: sharpening resumes, teaching soft skills, leading meditations, creating art, giving direction, listening and consoling people through tough times, and providing hope and smiles to hundreds of guests every day.

Your dedication makes it possible to stand true to our mission and never turn a single person away. Thank you.

Thank you for your commitment to our guests, whether that be a semester in the kitchen or 25 years at the Resource Center. Thank you for spreading our mission and constantly pulling in your friends and family, because of you there are more people than ever involved in our life-saving work. Thank you for your insight, kindness, compassion, energy, skills, and time – you make our job supporting our guests at St. Francis House easier – and much, much more meaningful.

I am honored to work with every single one of you and I look forward to the day we can be together at 39 Boylston again.

Please, stay well.

Until we meet again!


Madeline Lessing
Volunteer Services Coordinator


Due to COVID-19, we have currently suspended on-site volunteer activity until further notice. For more information on volunteering with St. Francis House in the future, visit our Volunteer page here. To get involved and support St. Francis House at this time, we encourage you to follow us on social media @sfhbostonmake and mail-in cloth face masks for our staff and guests, check out our Amazon Wishlist for guests of St. Francis House, or contribute to the SFH COVID-19 Emergency Fund.
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