Ways to Give

Your donation supports our neighbors experiencing homelessness in rebuilding their lives through our refuge, recovery, employment, and housing services.

Help Someone Experiencing Homelessness 

Your generous gift helps provide the nearly 8,000 unhoused individuals who cross our threshold annually with critical refuge, recovery, employment and housing services.

Matching Gifts

Increase your impact through workplace giving & employer matching gifts to help even more people in need.

Tribute Gifts

Recognize someone special who’s passed away or commemorate an occasion like a birthday. Make a donation in a loved one’s name and choose who to notify.

Stock Gifts

You may be able to give more with less and save on taxes by donating appreciated stocks, bonds, rollover IRA or mutual funds.

Group (2)
Monthly Giving

Your ongoing support as a monthly donor is the best way to ensure your generous contributions can do the most good for our neighbors.

Vector (1)
Planned Giving

Help protect the most vulnerable among us by including St. Francis House in your will or estate planning.

Group (3)
Donor Advised Funds

Manage your charitable giving simply and efficiently with a donor advised fund. You can give through an existing account or create one.

There are so many impactful ways you can give today. Make a donation now and help the hundreds of people experiencing homelessness who come through our doors every day.

Discover our Impact

Through a continuum of internally and externally integrated programs and services that focus on the whole individual, guests achieve stability in three key areas: housing, income, and behavioral health.

Attend an Event

We regularly host events to advocate for and support people who are experiencing homelessness and poverty. They are a great way to get involved, support and learn more about St. Francis House.


Hear Allen’s Story

Hear it from our community

Our guests are given the comprehensive and continuous support they need in order to rebuild their lives.

“St. Francis House and the people here have shown me love in such a remarkable way. It has allowed me to open up like a flower in the sun, and to find my way back home.”

Lorraine Harris Former Guest

“I am blown away by what St. Francis House has done for me. I didn’t believe in myself. St. Francis House taught me how to believe in myself and gave me back my life.”

PJ Duffy Former Guest

“St. Francis House opened many doors for me and it showed me who I was and the things that I was capable of doing. I have my own apartment, I have my oldest son back with me, I am working full time, and I am doing things I never thought I’d be able to do.”

Maria Harris Former Guest