In 1997, St. Francis House opened the Next Step Housing Program, now providing 56 units of supported permanent housing to those who have struggled with homelessness, unemployment, and substance use disorder with affordable, independent living.


In 1995, St. Francis House began the Moving Ahead Program (MAP), a comprehensive, 14-week job and life skills training program now serving 200 students a year. Since its establishment, more than 1,500 students graduated from the program.


In 1994, St. Francis House was chosen as a National Model Program by the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker’s Task Force on Homelessness – one of four agencies selected in the nation and the only shelter offering daytime services for the poor and homeless.


In 1990, St. Francis House was named a National Model Program by the Social Security Administration for our representative payee program that enables guests to receive their benefits.


In 1988, St. Francis House was named a National Model Program by the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Committee on Hunger and Homelessness.


In 1984, St. Francis House was founded to meet the needs of people experiencing poverty and homelessness. The organization grew quickly from a simple bread line into a multi-service shelter.