Meet Alelia: Faces of St. Francis House

Alelia is an example of the determination and perseverance that is a hallmark of the individuals who commit to St. Francis House’s 14-week workforce development training program called the Moving Ahead Program (MAP). While her path has not been easy, Alelia shows the drive and commitment to fully rebuild her life – and she’s doing just that.

Alelia completed the first three years of her bachelor’s degree at Suffolk University in Boston and had a stellar internship as a Work Affairs Assistant at the school. Along with her education and internship, she balanced the responsibilities of raising her two boys, aged 10 and 2, and juggled several part-time jobs. But with life’s challenges, her struggles with addiction came to the surface, and she ultimately found her way to St. Francis House.

Following a criminal charge and subsequent court dealings, Alelia entered a detox program, and from there, a halfway house, where they recommended SFH and our MAP program. Her involvement in MAP has been nothing less than transformative. Alelia’s compassionate nature shines through in her hard work and determination. She is sober, actively utilizing harm-reduction tools, attending regular AA meetings, and prioritizing self-care. All her hard work is paying off; she is actively working on applying to an administrative assistant position through MassHire and has already been added to their registration list. Additionally, she is on track to obtain her driving permit and license and strives to return to school to finish her undergraduate degree.

She expresses deep gratitude for the MAP program, stating, “I love coming here – I love everything about it. This is a really good program, and everything is going in the right direction for me.” Her positive outlook and relentless pursuit of a better life underscore her inspiring journey of rebuilding her life with the support of our day shelter services. Now, at 34, Alelia is thriving, with the support of our staff, her fellow classmates, and her own restored self-confidence.

We’re growing! Renovation and construction projects are now underway.Learn more