
Meet Vanessa: Faces of St. Francis House

When Vanessa was asked about her experience in our Moving Ahead Program (MAP), she responded with a simple statement: “I feel like I’m more confident now. Before, I used to be intimidated, but MAP gave me more faith in myself.” Her feelings, shared by many fellow classmates, echo the exact purpose of the program – but she didn’t always feel this way. 

Vanessa’s early years were fraught with challenges: she struggled in an abusive environment, navigated a learning disability that made school difficult, and began to feel pressure to fit in with the older, more troubled peers around her. By the time she was 13, she had started using drugs and had her first encounter with the juvenile justice system. Eventually, her drug use escalated, and she resorted to whatever means necessary to survive. 

Despite her tumultuous circumstances, Vanessa was determined to provide a better life for her three daughters and maintained her sobriety for a while. However, the cycle of addiction and incarceration continued, and juggling substance abuse and motherhood pushed her to her limit. Vanessa was eventually placed in drug court and released from prison in January of this year. Following a severe overdose in February that nearly claimed her life, she found renewed strength and has been sober since. Coincidentally, her sobriety date coincides with one of her daughter’s birthdays – a moment described as the “best birthday gift ever.” 

During her three weeks in treatment, she began learning coping skills to manage her feelings and anxieties. Vanessa is now living in a sober house, which introduced her to St. Francis House and our workforce programs and has fully dedicated herself to recovery. She engages with her treatment program, attends meetings, and works diligently in her MAP class, and the dedication has paid off: she now sees her children regularly, has remained sober, and is on track to find employment. 

“This time it feels different,” Vanessa says. “I’m more comfortable and at peace. I used to be embarrassed and ashamed, but I’m not anymore. We’ve all been through it, and it’s part of my story. I can’t change what I’ve done, but I can change what I do tomorrow.” She expresses a deep appreciation for St. Francis House and the MAP program, finding confidence and a sense of belonging there. Vanessa values the community and the resources available to her, seeing it as a crucial part of her recovery.  

Looking to the future, Vanessa dreams of working as a recovery coach to give back to the community that has supported her, expressing interested in returning to St. Francis House’s Recovery Support Center. She envisions opening a sober house one day and helping other addicts find their path to recovery. Her immediate goal is to secure a job in hospitality or food services with the help of our workforce team, and she is determined to stay in her sober house for as long as needed to ensure she does not rush her healing process. 

Vanessa’s journey has been marked by remarkable resilience in the face of significant struggles. With a renewed sense of purpose and a strong support system, Vanessa is determined to build a better future for herself and her family.

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