Tracie Calder

Tracie Calder

“MAP really is a good program, and it helps you balance out everything. I’ve seen every single person in my class get on track – health wise, job wise, and housing wise. They’re doing things they wouldn’t have done before, and they wouldn’t be able to do it if it weren’t for St. Francis.”

Chiya Souto

“I needed housing fast, and when it happened, it was miraculous for me. My family struggled to maintain housing throughout my life, so it meant that much more to me when it finally happened.”

Jerome Douglas

“I don’t come to St. Francis House every day, but my heart is here every day.”

Joe Simpson

“Through MAP, I was connected to sober, safe housing that allowed me to focus on my employment skills. Over 14 weeks, I received the proper training to re-enter the workforce successfully. I learned how to write resumes, cover letters, and I’ve been brought up to speed with technology.”

Jonathan Riley

“I couldn’t have done it without St. Francis House. If they weren’t around then I wouldn’t have had the resources that I needed to get to the point that I am at right now. I’m so grateful.”

Greg Smith

“I recommend that anybody who is just getting out of the system, or is homeless, or doesn’t have an education, to go to St. Francis and get help.”

Gina White

“St. Francis House taught me how to be a part of the world again. I just wanted to be a human again and St. Francis House and the MAP program showed me how to do that.”