Patricia Nieves

Patricia Nieves

“When I came to St. Francis House, I felt it – in my gut, in my heart, in my whole body, that this is where I belong. [ The Moving Ahead Program ] helps people, especially women my age, get back on track and succeed in life, and that’s exactly what St. Francis and the MAP program did for me. I challenge myself every day and there’s no standing still for me, it’s all about rising and going further and further and further.”

Mike Griswold

“I used St. Francis House to help me get clothes because I was homeless. I got breakfast and lunch there. I was getting services like talking to a counselor. Slowly, I started opening up more. St. Francis House had a big part in making me the person I am today because they believed in me. If it wasn’t for St. Francis House, there’s no telling where my life would be.”

Andrew Moskevich

“This is where I saw possibility, a future, and felt the kind of validation you can only get from people who have been through trials as bad as yours – and sometimes even worse. For the first time in my life, I shared my story honestly and completely. It’s where I finally understood how much I had overcome, not just how much I had screwed up, lost, or missed out on.”