
CBS’s “On the Road” show visits St. Francis House


Steve Hartman and Ara Bolster

Steve Hartman and Ara Bolster

On January 2, 2024, St. Francis House hosted Steve Hartman from the national CBS news shows CBS Evening News and CBS Sunday Morning. Steve came to SFH to interview one of our guests, Ara Bolster.

Steve heard about Ara when people shared social media posts with him from Boston WBZ News Radio reporter Matt Shearer. Matt met Ara one evening before Christmas, by chance, in Boston’s Downtown Crossing. Ara, who is homeless, was singing Christmas carols. What followed was a two-part story posted by Matt that went viral. The story caught Steve Hartman’s attention, who is known for telling heartwarming stories of people “who inspire, surprise, and challenge us with their courage, generosity, and perseverance.”

You can see Steve’s On the Road segment featuring Ara here: A Street Singer’s Dream Come True

You can see Matt’s original stories about Ara here: Part I | Part II

At St. Francis House, we are often inspired by our guests–their talents, interests and resilience. We’re so happy Matt and Steve shared Ara’s story with the world.

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