
Face Masks Arrive in Time for MA Emergency Order

Today, Wednesday, May 6, an emergency order went into effect in Massachusetts requiring face coverings as we battle to control the coronavirus outbreak in our state. We wanted to take a minute and thank those selfless individuals who have contributed hours of work and fabric to our mask project, enabling our guests to have the security and comfort of homemade face masks amidst this global pandemic.

Not only did we receive masks, but our donors sent kind notes, giving a narrative to the labor of love. One generous contributor said the following, “Sometimes my husband and kids help and sometimes I’m alone in the calm, just working….  My mom donated most of the fabric, she’s thrilled knowing where it goes. My husband pays the shipping cost and provides encouragement We will do what we can, as often as we can stay healthy and safe.”

COVID-19 is not a virus of equity, and those experiencing homelessness are the most vulnerable in the Commonwealth. The strength and resiliency of our guests motivate us and with your generosity, we have been able to feed, clothe, comfort, and protect everyone who walks through our doors.

Due to the circumstances and uncertainty around COVID-19, we are still accepting donations of disposable and homemade face masks until further notice to continue distributing to those in need. More information on our Masks for St. Francis House project.

Completed masks can be mailed to:

St. Francis House, Judy Coleman
39 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116

To coordinate a drop-off, please call 617-654-1239 or email jcoleman2@stfrancishouse.org.

As always, we are so grateful for your support of our mission to be a place of safety and comfort for our guests.

Learn more about our efforts amidst COVID-19, or make a life-changing gift to the SFH COVID-19 Emergency Fund today.

We’re growing! Renovation and construction projects are now underway.Learn more